what do you do when you get depressed?
2006-04-17 14:05:04 UTC
lately i have been crying myself to sleep and i dont like cryingsince usually i am a happy person and i dont want to take anti-depressants!! what should i do?
Sixteen answers:
2006-04-17 14:15:59 UTC
First..don't use anit-depressants ( my opinion) they make you feel sick..I fight this all the time. I try to understand the reason why I am depressed and correct from there. Life if to short to be depressed or stressed! Everyone is different and handles things differently. Try to find something that makes you happy and go that route. Ex: playing games, reading a book, watching movies, etc.

Oh...and don't drink...that does not help at all!!!
2006-04-17 14:25:11 UTC
You're right to be a little wary of medication, for a variety of reasons. It works for many but not all.

Medication aside, simply put: you need to find a sense of worth. Techniques vary. Your goal is a long term solution to the issues that plague. This means re-evaluating yourself in terms of your particular situation.

After you have pictured yourself as a working part of a situation there is a conceivable end to, you understand your power to bring about such closure - that is, life sucks from time to time.

I remember writing on the inside cover of my boot camp notebook - at their instruction - "this too shall end"
2006-04-17 14:08:14 UTC
Just let it be. Eat choc, watch sappy movies and cry. It will pass. If I doesnt, maybe u should see a doc. anti-depressant arent the only answer.
2006-04-17 14:10:10 UTC
well when i get depress i try to take my mind of what ever i am thinking that depress me i go for a walk in the park sometimes i try to read a book or you know what i read some gossip magazine read other people problem them i realize they have it worst than i do that what help me try reading or any activity to distract your mind of what ever is bother you call a friend you haven't talk to in a long time good luck
2006-04-17 14:11:24 UTC
When I was younger I would go shopping when I was depressed. I would buy for either someone I cared for and sometimes myself. Shopping always helped. Now I go outside and sit and just enjoy nature.
2006-04-17 14:12:48 UTC
well...figure out your problem..and what you can do about it..if you need to talk to a counselor.. anti-depressants are not a bad thing..depression is a serious medical condition and you deserve to get help.. if you really do not want to take them, talk to a friend of someone you are close to.
2006-04-17 14:06:39 UTC
It sounds incredibly unhealthy, but I just eat a lot, watch a bunch of movies, and generally spoil myself. Once I get happier I exercise it all off anyways.

Cheer up; it might just be a phase.
2006-04-17 14:10:27 UTC
go buy a new pair of shoes and a book about someone who has had a way worse life than you. Helps you keep things in perspective. Worked for me.
2006-04-17 14:12:53 UTC
i don't know what to tell you, i've had the same problems......check out a site on taoism (not kidding), also look into st.johns wort. remind yourself of the good things you do have in life, and remember, it won't be like this forever. things will get better.
2006-04-17 14:07:21 UTC
I mastrubate until I'm bleeding. Try that it'll get your mind off of your depression.
2006-04-17 14:15:01 UTC
I play video games and cards to release the pressure.
2006-04-17 14:06:40 UTC
I usually put on a good comedy or drink some liquor! Hope you feel better hun!
2006-04-17 14:11:40 UTC
do something that you enjoy. go work out and get rid of stress. Keep your mind working on other things and talk to family and friends.
2006-04-17 14:07:29 UTC
i feel the same way...well its a part of growing up to get mood swings.... EAT ICE CREAM! it helps me! =D
2006-04-17 14:06:05 UTC
2006-04-17 14:08:52 UTC
eat...i know that's not good...but i can't help it...

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