how do i make money quick+im 12?
2006-04-14 15:46:13 UTC
how do i make money quick+im 12?
Nine answers:
2006-04-14 15:48:05 UTC
quickest way is to get yourself a part time job ,may paper round or milk round,or even wash peoples cars and charge them ,thats how i started when i was 12
2006-04-15 12:09:20 UTC
OMG u guys are so cliche... Hi fellow 12 year old... :P i needed cash too but since my parents work around rich ppls and my parents hav alot of money and i hav alot of older siblings... we ASK for money... so i've never had to "make" money... but u can either A}PRINT...B}um...wat do kids our age do these days...o ya um... wash cars...C}EBAY D}take cheapish cr@p to school and sell them but dont male it so obvious dat ur sellin stuff like doing favors or offering to kick sum1's a$$ for a price or etc... u can try to sell sum ship u dont need nemore... finally E}do lil favors or chores around ur house and ask ur mum or dad to give u an allowance

2006-04-14 23:33:01 UTC
paper boy or mowing lawns
2006-04-14 16:56:15 UTC
tell your parents to give u money... thas quicker, and u dont haev to work for it. haha
2006-04-14 15:51:36 UTC
borrow your dads lawn mower and mow ppls lawns.. good luck.
2006-04-14 15:50:50 UTC
try a part time shop,ebay,sell ur computer etc..
2006-04-14 21:21:29 UTC
part time job
2006-04-14 15:52:52 UTC
with a printer
2006-04-14 16:05:00 UTC
why do you need money?

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