2013-10-30 22:44:04 UTC
ive noticed that the materials we use nowadays seem thinner.. lighter.. cheaper.. im not sure what but not as strong as the material of the past. for example.. 2x4 these days are not actually 2x4. same goes with other lumber.. everything has been slimmed down.
Also sheetrock as opposed to plaster. Now believe me.. i would choose sheetrock over plaster any day of the week namely because plaster is a pain in the *** in all aspects.. but at the same time, i can punch through sheetrock like glass. plaster walls have laths, wire mesh, blah blah.. much tougher than sheetrock.
also plywood subfloors as opposed to floorboards as subfloor. i understand that plywood is very strong and probably much cheaper than buying twice the amount of floor boards.. but i feel like loosing something.
Aslo, thinking about the structure of a house.. looking from outside to inside of an exterior wall... essentially youve got siding, then plywood, then studs, then sheetrock. thats it. seems very weak. im not sure how they used to build structures but it seem very weak to me.
ive noticed a couple other things but thats all i can think up off the top of my head.
after doing all this work ive got this image in my mind of an old house and a new house side by side, and a huge storm rolls through and cleans the new house down to the studs but the old house is basically fine.
im fairly new at this so id like the opinion of experienced home builders and contractors.. are houses built stronger or weaker nowdays?
thanks... appreciate your opinions.