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Estimate How Much Concrete To Order
Calculate how many cubic yards of concrete you need for a walk, driveway or basement.
By Gary Wentz and Duane Johnson
From The Family Handyman
April 2005
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Q A new shed is on tap for us, and I’m ready to build the forms for my 10 x 10-ft. concrete slab. When I order concrete, what should I ask for?
Mike Workman, Arnold, MO
A Here’s a brief rundown of what you need to know.
Amount. Calculate the volume you need in cubic yards. Multiply the length (10 ft.) by the width (10 ft.) by the depth (.35 ft., or 4 in.) and divide it by 27 (the number of cubic feet in a cubic yard). You get 1.3 cu. yds. Then add 10 percent to allow for spillage and slab depth variations.
Strength. Call a local ready-mix company, tell the supplier what the concrete is for, and ask about the best mix (proportions of cement, gravel and sand). For a shed, the supplier will probably suggest a mix with a capacity of about 4,000 psi (pounds per square inch).
If you live in a region with freeze/thaw cycles in winter, ask for 5 percent air entrainment to help the concrete withstand freeze/thaw damage.
Cost. Use $90 per cubic yard as a ballpark figure, but this will vary by region. Also, expect a fee of about $60 per load for delivery. There could be other fees for such things as Saturday delivery and small loads. Ask about these fees so you know the total bill before the truck arrives.