I'm not too familiar with working with acrylic panels, but it seems to me that it would be difficult to snap off such a small width. I could see if you were snapping off a few inches, but millimeters doesn't seem like it would work.
Sanding may work, but if you need a perfectly square edge, that is probably not going to happen.
I would recommend cutting it. A band saw or jig saw seems like a good solution, I would imagine you could probably also use a table saw. What I would do is sandwich the sheet of acrylic between something like two sheets of 1/2" plywood. This should minimize splintering and tear out. These are woodworking terms, not sure if they are applicable here.
If it were me, I'd probably cut two sheets of plywood about 12" wide, and place them above and below the area to be cut, overlapping it on both sides. Draw a line on the top piece of plywood that represents the cut line. Now take a jig saw and figure out the distance between the blade and the left side of the base. Take a third sheet of plywood and put it on top of everything. Position it parallel to the cut line, on the left side. The distance from the cut line should be the distance you found earlier (blade to left side of jigsaw base). Now clamp everything down.
The top sheet of plywood will serve as a guide for the jigsaw. As long as the edge facing the cutline is straight, your cut should be straight. The two other sheets of plywood should prevent anything from splintering and make sure you get a clean cut.
Hope this helps.