peter b
2009-05-26 20:10:23 UTC
This is new construction so everything is open now.
I am using a single gang blue box that is extra deep.
The box has openings in the back with tabs slanted to keep wire in place.
Assume from top of the stud to the top opening in the blue box where romex feeds into is 5 feet.
Assume the romex drop is 7 feet from the top of the stud. (I left plenty extra just so I dont leave myself short.)
a)How far down from the top of the stud should the last romex staple be securing the romex wire to the stud before it enters the box?
b) At what point should the romex outter jacket (yellow) be stripped?
c)How much wire should I have sticking out of the box.(Measured from top opening to where the wire hooks to the screw terminals on the outlet?)
Any other ideas would be appreciated
I have nailed the box's nails into the stud and have the box out a 1/2 inch to allow for the drywall.