I have just installed hardwood floors and know that they are to be installed perpendicular to the floor joists. On the first level, the installer did it correctly and they were installed perpendicular. I loved the look so much that I also had him install hardwood in our master bedroom upstairs, and when I went to check on him midway through the day, I noticed he was not going perpendicual, but paralel as he said it does not HAVE to be perpendicular, but generally will be installed the longest width of the room. Well, although I appreciated his advice regarding estetics, it stressed me out too much (from everything else I was reading), and I had him rip it all out (he was about 1/2 way in a 13 x 15 room) and re-start again the proper way (perpendicular). Although he was a little upset, I think he knew I was right and the "estetics" is not what is important to me, but the fact to I will not have problems down to road is far more important. However, what I was wondering is what is the actual reason for installing them perpendicular? What would be the long term impact if I had let him continue going paralell with the joists? Of everything I have read, this question really has not been answered (the "why").
Also, what would happen if the hardwood is not given adequate time to aclimatize to the room? The hardwood boxes contain instructions adising 48 hours, which I actually gave 72 hours + ... but what would have happened if we had not let it aclimatize?
Thanks for all your advice!!